- A Farm Foundation conference on Dec. 4, part of the Food and Agriculture Policy Summit in D.C., will examine the challenges agriculture and the food system face in providing food, fiber and fuel to a growing world over the next 30 years. Highlighting the conference will be release of a new Farm Foundation report, Agriculture’s Strategic Role: Feeding and Fueling a Growing World.
- The Hondo Group, a Fort Worth-based marketing communications company, recently announced the introduction of green marketing services. The company has developed one of the first quantitative assessment tools for evaluating environmentally sound business practices.
- Makhteshim Agan of North America, Inc. (MANA), announces the hiring of Duane A. Martin, Ph.D., as the company’s new business and product development manager. Martin joins the MANA senior management team to lead all of the company’s new product and inter-business development projects.
- The members of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting have elected Lindsay Hill of the Agri Broadcast Network (ABN) of Ohio to serve as Vice President of the organization at their annual convention in Kansas City this week. Hill, owner and Chief Operating Officer of AdVance Broadcast & Communication is a 10- year veteran of agricultural media and rural news radio.