RFA Ethanol Podcast

Jennifer Saylor Joins NAFB Staff

Chuck Zimmerman

Jennifer SaylorThe National Association of Farm Broadcasting has a new Member Services Manager. She’s Jennifer Saylor and you’ll get to meet her at this week’s NAFB convention.

Jennifer’s previous experience includes donor development, event and database management, and marketing communications with the YMCA of Greater Kansas City. She also has participated in volunteer projects with the Kansas City Convention and Visitors Association.

A 2003 graduate of the University of Missouri, earlier this year she challenged herself to compete in her first triathlon. She earned her master’s degree in business administration from Rockhurst University, Kansas City, in 2006.

A self-described “communications buff,” Jennifer looks forward to working with the NAFB member broadcast industry. While interviewing for the position, she familiarized herself by searching member Web sites and listening to farm radio stations.