2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Agricultural FINDERBINDER Going To Print

Chuck Zimmerman

Ag Finder BinderThe first edition of the Agricultural FINDERBINDER is now going to print according to Cory Cart. I just spoke with him about how things are going with what promises to be the most complete resource of agricultural media listings available.

He says they completed their pre-sales phase earlier this month and are gearing up to start getting it in the hands of agricultural marketers who want and need to be able to contact ag media representatives. He says they’ll be shipping a disk with the printed binder so that you can import contact data into your computer. Cory says they’ve got over 1,500 media outlets listed with about 2,700 contacts. To be listed a media outlet had to have at least 51 percent of its coverage on some subject related to agriculture. He says they’re also planning a tabbed section on rural lifestyle outlets.

To get your copy you can call Sandi Lomonaco at 405-759-3373 or order online.

Listen to my interview with Cory here: ag-finderbinder-update.mp3

You can also download the interview with this link (mp3).
