RFA Ethanol Podcast

Technorati Releasing Annual State of Blogosphere

Chuck Zimmerman

TechnoratiTechnorati, the blog indexing authority, is releasing its annual “State of the Blogosphere” in 5 installments. The first one is out and it’s got lots of interesting information, focusing on who is blogging.

Technorati Blogger ChartBloggers Self-Identified as Personal, Professional, or Corporate

Bloggers are not a homogenous group. One way of segmenting bloggers is by their blog type:

* Personal: blog about topics of personal interest not associated with your work
* Professional: blog about your industry and profession but not in an official capacity for your company
* Corporate: blog for your company in an official capacity

Four out of five bloggers are personal bloggers who blog about topics of personal interest. About half of bloggers are professional bloggers — blogging is not necessarily their full-time job, but they blog about their industry or profession in an unofficial capacity. 12% of bloggers blog in an official capacity for their company.

Of course, these groups are not mutually exclusive. More than half of professional and corporate bloggers are also personal bloggers. This could be on a separate blog, or they may blog about personal interests within their professional blog.

In case you’re wondering, AgWired is currently ranked at 144,722 with an authority of 48 (means that 48 other blogs have linked to AgWired in last 180 days). Where do you fit in?
