Franz Fischler Concludes The Congress

Chuck Zimmerman

Franz FischlerI like the way Fran Fischler, President of the IFAJ Congress 2008, started his remarks at the end of the event.

“Everything has already been said but not by everybody.” He then proceeded to thank all the people who worked to make this Congress a reality, including all the sponsors.

He pointed out how different farming is around the world. Speaking of the small farms in Austria and Slovenia he said, “I think you have a feeling now that this way of farming can also be successful.” He said that we need to accept that in our world there are many different ways to farm.

You can listen to Franz Fischler’s remarks here: ifaj-08-fischler-goodby.mp3

IFAJ Congress 2008 Photo Album

AgWired coverage of IFAJ 2008 is sponsored by: Pioneer-HiBred and Novus International

Audio, IFAJ, International, Novus International, Pioneer