2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

MOSES is Organic

Chuck Zimmerman

Midwest Organic & Sustainable Education ServiceMOSES is the Midwest Organic & Sustainable Education Service. At the Farm Progress Show, their outreach coordinator, Harriet Behar, visited the media tent.

One of the first things I asked her was just what “organic” means. She says it’s a sustainable method of farming that uses on-farm produced inputs. “Only products that have met the organic regulations are allowed to carry the organic label in the market place.”

She was at the show to help educate people about what they’re doing and to promote organic farming. She says their mission is to not only to promote but also to provide farmers with the tools to be successful organic farmers.

Apparently there is a growing market for organic products. Harriet says that the market is growing 20%/year. She says that organic products get a premium price. For example, she says that organic corn has been selling for $11/bushel and soybeans at $16 – 18/bushel.

Listen to my interview with Harriet here: fp-08-behar.mp3

Ag Groups, Audio, Farm Progress Show, Farming