RFA Ethanol Podcast

Some BASF Headliners

Chuck Zimmerman

ASA TentOur world record holder for soybean yield, Kip Cullers, is on site at the Farm Progress Show.

Here’s he is (center) with his wife, Michelle, and ASA President John Hoffman. They’re in the ASA hospitality/lunch tent. I asked Kip what he thought about BASF serving lunch to ASA members and he said, “Well it doesn’t surprise me a bit. I work with them every day and I know what kind of people they are. This is just typical of something they’d be willing to do.” He says that’s why he uses Headline fungicide, “because they stand behind their products.”

He just recently held a field day at his farm which Cindy attended. He says it went, “really, really well,” and hopes people were able to take something away from it that might be a new idea they can try.

I also spoke with John Hoffman. John is a 5th generation family farmer a little north of the Farm Progress Show site. He wanted to thank BASF for their long standing support of ASA. He says the crop in his area has had a challenging season. It was a couple weeks late, they’ve had a lack of heat units and double the normal rainfall and now it’s turned dry (well, until this morning). He’s just trying to manage for yield at this point. He’s sprayed for aphids and says he applied Headline to all his soybeans and corn. As he puts it, “There still potential out there.”

You can listen to my interview with Kip here: fp-08-cullers.mp3

You can also download the interview with this link.

You can listen to my interview with John here: fp-08-hoffman.mp3

You can also download the interview with this link.

AgWired coverage of the 2008 Farm Progress Show
is sponsored by: BASF and New Holland

Audio, BASF, Farm Progress Show, New Holland