2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Farm Progress Show Video

Chuck Zimmerman

Just so you didn’t think Laura and I were only shooting still photos and doing audio interviews (besides AgWired Live TV) I’ve got a couple of video clips to share with you. I’m trying out a new Flip Video camera at this show. It’s pretty simple in terms of shooting and uploading your video to YouTube.

First up, I’ve got a short clip from this morning’s Monsanto press conference:

After that I visited the American Soybean Association/BASF lunch tent. Basically, BASF (our sponsor) bought lunch for any member of ASA. I also ran into soybean growing superstar, Kip Cullers:

Then, I wandered by the Trimble demonstration area and they were running a New Holland (our sponsor) tractor:

Finally, Laura and I left the show site around 7pm:

Check out our Farm Progress Show 2008 Photo Album.

AgWired coverage of the 2008 Farm Progress Show
is sponsored by: BASF and New Holland

Agribusiness, BASF, Farm Progress Show, New Holland, Video