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Barry Engle has Local New Holland Roots

Chuck Zimmerman

New Holland Barry Engle SearchI just thought I’d share an example of the AgWired search engine magnificence. I did a post late yesterday about Barry Engle being named as the new head of New Holland Ag. A few minutes ago I did a Google key word search for Barry Engle, New Holland and that post is second below a Bloomberg link. My Twitter post is 3rd!

Yes, we can help SEO you. Why/How? Because we link back to you. So anyone finding my posts about you then provide direct links back to you. That’s a big part of what this whole web thing is all about.

BTW. While searching I found out that Barry Engle is a Lancaster, PA native. Now isn’t that interesting. The home of New Holland (same county). Local boy makes good, returns home! I found that on his Ford company bio page.

Before becoming involved in the auto industry, the Lancaster, Pennsylvania native held finance and marketing positions in the consumer packaged goods business having worked for General Mills and later Nabisco brands.

Agribusiness, New Holland