RFA Ethanol Podcast

More Yield From Roundup Ready 2 Yield

Chuck Zimmerman

Walter MayhewOne of the newcomers to Kruger Seeds is Walter Mayhew. He’s their new brand lead and was on hand at the Technology Showcase field day in Iowa. I asked him why they are conducting these events. Walter says that since business is changing so fast, growers need this kind of opportunity to to see new technology options first hand. You can see him here, welcoming growers to the event.

We spoke about the new Roundup Ready 2 Yield Soybeans which will become available next season. Walter says that they asked growers what they need and the answer was “more yield.” So, without adding more inputs, RR2 Yield is expected to give growers from seven to eleven percent more yield potential per acre. That’s what all the trial data is showing. Essentially, the new traits provide more seeds per plant.

When it comes to supply, Walter says that there will be a limited amount for the 2009 growing season but that they’ll be producing more supply as fast as they can for 2010. He adds that, “All growers remember when we launched Roundup Ready 1. There was a big difference there. You could drive down the road and see the difference out in a field. With Roundup Ready 2, it’s going to be different. You won’t see it driving down the road. You’ll see it with your combine.”

You can listen to my interview with Walter here: monsanto-tech-showcase-mayhew.mp3

Monsanto Technology Showcase Photo Album

Audio, Soybean