2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Soybean Champion Coach

Cindy Zimmerman

Dennis BelcherEvery successful champion has at least one good coach and world soybean yield champ Kip Cullers has several.

One of his main advisers is BASF Technical Services Rep Dennis Belcher, who is based in Columbia, Missouri. “Kip and I over the last few years have worked very closely together,” Dennis says. In fact, Kip is in touch with Dennis on an almost daily basis and Dennis says what Kip has accomplished with his yields is really important to all growers to show them what good crop protection can do.

“All the crops that we have here at Kip’s expo have BASF products on them – herbicides, insecticides and fungicides,” says Dennis. Kip’s favorite product by far is Headline. “He is looking for something that will actually help him increase yields, and Headline brings growers three things – good disease control, better plant growth efficiency and the ability to handle stress better.”

Dennis also talks about a new herbicide that BASF hopes to receive approval for next year, which I will tell you more about in the next post.

Kip Culler’s Record Breaking Field Day photo album

Listen to my interview with Dennis here: basf-kip-dennis.mp3

Audio, BASF, Farming