2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Analyzing AMS

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast-181 - Ag Media SummitI don’t know about all of you who attended last week’s Ag Media Summit but I’m still recovering. I’ve got one little project left to complete and then I’m almost caught up. Of course Cindy’s on the road today to Purdy, MO for a Kip Cullers field day and I’ll be heading north tomorrow for a Monsanto Technology Showcase event and Laura is on her way to learn about agriculture in Honduras!

In this week’s program I sat down with Cindy to get her impressions of her first Ag Media Summit. One of the main things that struck her was the engagement of college students. There were over 80 students attending since the Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow also hold their annual meeting at AMS. Cindy and think that really helps energize us “old timers.” It also gives us a chance to interact with the people we’ll hire in the future too.

Since Cindy and I have been to NAFB conventions since the early 1980’s it was natural to draw some comparisons. One of the things that also strikes me as a big difference in the two is the amount of professional development. AMS is all about that and we both think that farm broadcasters would benefit from and be interested in the types of sessions offered at AMS. There were a couple of farm broadcasters attending by the way.

I want to say a special thank you to BASF and Successful Farming for sponsoring our coverage of this year’s Ag Media Summit. I’d say it was one of the best I’ve been to but then I’ve been saying that every year.

The program this week ends with music from the Podsafe Music Network. Since we’re talking about media you get to listen to “The Theme of Audiomedia, Inc.” from meganesan. I hope you enjoy it and thank you for listening.

You can download and listen to the ZimmCast here: Listen To ZimmCastZimmCast 181 (19 min MP3)

Or listen to this week’s ZimmCast right now:Interview With Cindy Zimmerman about AMS - ZimmCast 181

The ZimmCast is the official weekly podcast of AgWired which you can subscribe to using the link in our sidebar. You can also subscribe in iTunes

Ag Media Summit, Audio