RFA Ethanol Podcast

Let’s Have a Successful Ag Media Summit

Chuck Zimmerman

Agricultural Media SummitAgricultural Media Summit mania is in full swing. My in-box has been busy today. So I thought I’d add to the news by letting you know that Successful Farming is sponsoring AgWired coverage of the AMS, along with BASF. I asked Jana Rieker, Sales Development Manager for Successful Farming and Agriculture Online to fill me in on what’s new and how they’re involved with AMS this year.

We have a tremendous presence at the show with John Walter, Agriculture Online Multi-Media Director serving as the current President of AAEA, and Laurie Potter, Successful Farming New Products Editor serving as the Committee Chairperson for the InfoExpo Trade Show.

Successful FarmingWe have seen increases of 30-35% in our online impressions each month over last year. Among them are “CropTechTour” which is sponsored by John Deere, and delivers an interactive field reporting system with maps, video, and commentary from Certified Crop Advisors and Certified John Deere AMS Dealers who post agronomic tips and information about their area. We also have a successful series called Farmers for the Future which is sponsored by DeKalb and the Farm Credit System Foundation.

Agriculture Online was launched in May 1995, with a vision to be a community for farmers to connect with one another to discuss the business of Agriculture. Today, John Walter, and his team of experts continue to lead Agriculture Online into the social media world. We have always delivered tremendous community engagement through our discussion groups, and we continue to grow our site by utilizing other social media tools to enhance the user experience on our site. We have an editor, Mike McGinnis, who has a desk on the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade and is able to get immediate reaction and reporting to provide to our audience in video, audio or email communications. By also tapping into the expertise in interactive media within Meredith Corporation, we are able to deliver our audience more reasons to choose Agriculture Online as their source for information online.

Now that John Walter is a professional blogger I’m sure he and I will be talking at AMS and I’ll share the conversation with you then.

AgWired coverage of the Agricultural Media Summit is sponsored by:
BASF and Successful Farming

Ag Media Summit, BASF