RFA Ethanol Podcast

Biofuel Investment By Oil Company

Chuck Zimmerman

We heard from Chevron here at the Transition To A Bio Economy conference since according to Paul Bryan, the company has made a major commitment to biofuels. He says they created a biofuels business unit about 2 years ago. Their focus is on 2nd generation biofuels that use non-food crops.

His talk focused on the integration in the biopetroleum business. He describes that as using bio-derived fuels that work with the existing petroleum infrastructure. One of the projects they’re involved with uses micro algae and he’s saying that it will be about 5 to 15 years before it’s in full volume production.

You can listen to my interview with Paul here: ff-bio-08-bryan.mp3

You can also download the interview using this link (mp3).

Post Update: Photo removed at Mr. Bryan’s request.

Transition To A Bio Economy Photo Album

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