Connie Siemes Secretary for IFAJ

Chuck Zimmerman

Connie SiemesThe International Federation of Agricultural Journalists continues to develop. Now they’ve got a part time secretary, Connie Siemes, Netherlands.

The IFAJ has appointed Connie Siemes from The Netherlands as part-time secretary to assist the Presidium and the Executive Committee for two days a week. Eleven people from eight countries applied for the new position, which will involve providing a range of administrative and support services to the IFAJ and its members.

“There were 11 applicants from eight countries, so we were really impressed with the diversity among the candidates,” said vice president, Mike Wilson, who was part of a special committee formed to identify the best candidate. “Our job was to seek applications for the new post and we were delighted at the quality of applicants we had,” added president David Markey.

Connie is the wife of IFAJ executive member, Hans Siemes. She regularly attends IFAJ events and played an important role in organizing the annual congress hosted by The Netherlands in 2003. She speaks English fluently, is good in German and has some French, which will be useful in her role liaising with affiliated guilds around the world.

Her appointment to the IFAJ means there is a new secretarial address. People can now write to the IFAJ care of P.O. Box 205, 6920 AE Duiven, The Netherlands.

IFAJ, International