2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Twittering and Tweeting on AgWired

Chuck Zimmerman

TwitterFor those of you who have wondered about the little blue birdy thing at the top of AgWired, that’s the latest post in my Twitter feed. A growing number of you are following me directly on Twitter and I thank you. As you’ll find out if you do, I post quite frequently on Twitter, especially when I’m traveling. It’s very easy to to.

We decided to pull the latest Tweet (Twitter post) onto the top of AgWired as a way to update you even when I don’t have my computer out. I’m also posting pictures to the feed from my Blackberry Curve. So, that’s what it’s all about. Keep an eye on it since it sometimes gets updated even more than my AgWired posts.

Want to know more about Twitter? I’m a small, inexpensive consulting fee away.
