RFA Ethanol Podcast

Announcing GoodFuels

Chuck Zimmerman

GoodFuelsWe know that renewable fuels like ethanol and biodiesel are good, right? That’s the premise of a new website that is launched today – GoodFuels.

Addressing America’s dependence on foreign oil will require many solutions. A solution at our disposal today, and one that is already making significant contributions, is the increased production and use of biofuels like ethanol. Ethanol is already reducing our dependence on foreign oil by hundreds of millions of barrels per year and helping to keep oil and gasoline prices lower than they might otherwise be.

GoodFuels.org seeks to provide a thoughtful and comprehensive discussion of all the issues surrounding biofuels and their important role in our energy future, as well as be a resource for information, news and research pertaining to developments in biofuels.

It’s powered by the Renewable Fuels Association and Cindy and I are contributors.

Biodiesel, Energy, Ethanol