- Syngenta has created the Resistance Fighter™ Resistance Management Module, a unique tool to help growers manage resistance by offering herbicide solutions tailored to corn and soybean fields. The interactive solutions module allows growers to input attributes unique to their farm and management style, generating a herbicide program designed to fit their needs. Each solution is customized by crop, weed, county, state, preferred management methods and history of resistance.
- The Iowa Corn Promotion Board (ICPB) is collaborating with Athenix Corp. to develop hybrids that are more efficient in using nitrogen fertilizer. These new hybrids could result in improved economics on the farm, reduced impact on the environment and reduced energy requirements to grow the corn crop.
- Pioneer Hi-Bred and John Deere Risk Protection, Inc. will jointly sponsor the annual Pro Farmer Midwest Crop Tour Aug. 18-21, 2008. More than 70 volunteer crop scouts will travel 20 predetermined routes across seven states to measure corn and soybean yield potential in more than 1,000 fields as part of Crop Tour. Growers will be able to go online to access several features that will recap these evening meetings and provide a local perspective on agronomics as reported by Pioneer agronomists.