RFA Ethanol Podcast

Make Your Website AgWired

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello AgWired fans. How would you like to have AgWired news on your website or blog?

Now you can and it’s free. It’s also very easy. We’ve created a widget that allows you to display the latest headlines from the stories and posts on AgWired. All you have to do is paste some code onto your web page. The widget also allows you to choose some display options. Not sure what a widget is? Learn here.

Think that’s cool? There’s more. If you’d like a custom feed to display on your website then just contact me and we’ll work it out. For example, let’s say you’d like a feed of a certain category of our content, we can create that for you and provide you with the code for it. We can also design a custom theme for your AgWired widget if you’d like.

So, if you’re an advertising or public relations agency, media company, farm group, freelancer or farmer you can have fresh daily content of interest to your audience displayed on your homepage (or any page) very easily with the AgWired Widget.
