RFA Ethanol Podcast

BASF Turning Science into Innovation

Chuck Zimmerman

Dr. Peter EckesDr. Peter Eckes spoke at the BASF Media Summit about how the company is turning science into innovation in the Crop Protection division.

Dr. Peter Eckes, Senior Vice President Global Research and Development for Crop Protection at BASF, stressed that new active ingredients are key to future success and points to Kixor herbicide as a good example. “Such breakthroughs are providing our customers with the tools they need to improve productivity.” According to Eckes, BASF Crop Protection research and development is fueled by the company’s extensive corporate research platform. As an example, he highlights new product innovations based on BASF’s best-in-class polymer research. “With new polymer technology we can give existing active ingredients, such as Prowl H2O® herbicide, for example, better performance. The new encapsulated formulation provides targeted release and better efficacy. We are also translating these advances in formulation technologies into new product concepts that will provide new benefits to our customers.”

You can listen to and download his remarks here: Listen To RemarksDr. Peter Eckes Remarks (30 min MP3)

Or listen to them here now:basf-media-summit-7.mp3

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