2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

NAFB 2008 Producer Media-Use Study – 1st Wave

Chuck Zimmerman

National Association of Farm BroadcastingThe National Association of Farm Broadcasting has just released some initial results (pdf file) from the first segment of their new producer media use study. I think you should take note of how important text messages are to producers. That really stands out to me. Same for web-based information. The word “grown” is key. It’s growing!

The fact that farmers value radio so high on a daily basis is something that I’ve always understood. Farmers are about as mobile as anyone else and the radio is a convenient source of news and information. I just wish more radio stations carried farm programming.

While Web-based information use among the nation’s largest agricultural producers and ranchers has grown, thanks to increased access to high-speed Internet connections, radio remains the primary and most-used source of daily agribusiness information.

This is according to the National Association of Farm Broadcasting, based on the first “wave” data from its ongoing comprehensive 2008 National Producer Media-Use Wave Study. The survey, which includes in-depth interviews with three distinct samples of 800 national Class 1A producers and ranchers in each sample, comes 10 years after a 1998-99 “wave study” sponsored by NAFB. Class 1A producers have $100,000+ in sales/gross farm income.

Trailing radio in importance as a source of daily agribusiness information – based on the
first sampling wave conducted in February – are Web sites, television, and cell phone text
messages, in order.

Farming, NAFB