Here’s the AgWired Live TV in all it’s glory today. This is the setup that live streamed yesterday from the Sec. of Agriculture’s office and then this afternoon from the National Press Club. My Mac on my briefcase on a chair.
I am looking into some new camera options but I think we demonstrated some new technology in the ag media world and at a very timely event, the NAFB Washington Watch. It’s been a learning experience.
One thing is for sure though, how we distribute information is changing and that’s why “new media” continues to be applicable.
For some perspective, here’s the “other” cameras that were in the room today. Lots of media attended this press conference. I would estimate that besides the ones on the dial conference call there were over 50 journalists in the room, including 11 other video cameras.
The only place you could watch this press conference live though was here on AgWired and our Domestic Fuel site. We really did almost nothing to promote it but there were still several dozen viewers of the live stream and who knows how many will view the recorded versions.
You can see an online photo album from the press conference here: RFA Press Conference Photo Album