2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Texting Is Here and Now

Chuck Zimmerman

PrecisionAg InstitutePaul Schrimpf, PrecisionAg Institute, has an interesting article in his latest PrecisionAg e-news on texting. He writes about an announcement from Jacquie Ream, former teacher and author, on her opinion about kids communicating today:

“We have a whole generation being raised without communication skills,” says Jacquie Ream, former teacher and author of “K.I.S.S. Keep It Short and Simple” (Book Publishers Network). She contends text messaging and the internet are destroying the way our kids read, think, and write.

Say with me, “She sure doesn’t get it.” Kids today are communicating more than ever and texting is just part of it. Maybe she thinks we should get rid of the internet, mobile phones, computers and just get ourselves a bottle of ink and a quill. In fact, if you go to her book promotion site that’s just what you see in the boring introductory flash video (why do people do that?). Interesting ideas from someone who has a book with a title about the KISS principle. I agree with what Paul says in his article.

As for me, I see it as a tool to supplement communication, not one that replaces it. Used to be that we would connect with our friends two ways … call on the phone or show up on the doorstep. My high school daughter can, and does, connect with friends in a half dozen ways I am aware of, and probably more I’m not. Why? Because they can.

If you’re ready to retire then maybe you want ag communications to stay the way it has always been. However, the way we communicate is changing and texting is just a part of how farmers are getting information now. Check out Commodity Update and AgWired Mobile if you want to get on the bandwagon and be on the leading edge.
