2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Nasty Drive to Louisville

Chuck Zimmerman

South Indiana DriveYuck. The drive to Louisville this afternoon got bad once I got into southern Indiana. I think I drove through everything – freezing drizzle, freezing rain, rain, snow, sleet, etc. Off and on, off and on. I passed or was passed by a number of farm trucks so I know I’m not the only one who traveled I-64 today. (Yes I was listening to my iPod).

Reminds me of last year, especially the last 50 miles.

I didn’t see too many cars off the road until then. I came around a curve and a guy had just spun out off the right side of the highway. Then after I passed him I saw a pickup behind me spin out and roll over twice. I called that one in to 911 and while I was talking to them I passed a bad one on the highway going the other way about 2 miles down the road with multiple emergency vehicles already on the scene.

Here in Louisville it’s kind of a light freezing rain right now.

South Indiana DriveIt’s interesting what a flash will do from your camera when it’s snowing.

I’ve already had a voice mail from one person who’s had their flight in here canceled tonight. I wonder how many will be affected. Last year I had to spend the night in a hotel part way and get here late on opening day morning for the show.

I can’t tell you how happy I am to get in tonight! Be careful out there.

National Farm Machinery Show