2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Monsanto Student Cotton Blogger

Chuck Zimmerman

Janice Person and Kara WillisMonsanto once again took their student bloggers on the road. This time to the Beltwide Cotton Conferences. The intern is Kara Willis who attends Prairie View A&M in Texas (right of Janice Person).

You can find Kara’s blog on the Monsanto website. I spoke to her after she interviewed me for her blog. Kara is an ag econ major who feels like she really needs to get out in the field with people to gain valuable experience. She’s sure doing that. She also came to a cotton conference knowing nothing about the subject. That changed over the course of the week.

I think you’ll enjoy listening to what Kara has to say about her agriblogging experience: beltwide-willis.mp3
