RFA Ethanol Podcast

Designing a New Look For Dairy Today

Chuck Zimmerman

Dairy TodayThere’s a reason we were taught in college journalism classes to “never work with animals or small children.” In this video from the Pentagram website you’ll see what I’m talking about.

I’ve watched this done now quite a few times at livestock shows. I don’t envy DJ the challenge of working with a prima donna who’s only interested in the feed bucket.

DJ Stout has redesigned the magazine Dairy Today that is launching this month. In addition to a bold new logotype, the magazine will feature a stylized “portrait” of a dairy cow on the cover of each issue in an effort to differentiate it from its competitors. This is the second dairy magazine and the sixth agricultural trade publication Pentagram’s Austin office has redesigned. Stout and his team previously reworked three magazines for the American Quarter Horse Association, Dairy Herd Management magazine and Drovers magazine (about the beef industry).

Dairy, Publication, Video