2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Zimfo Bites

Melissa Sandfort

  • The Agricultural Leadership alumni of Kings and Tulare counties are pleased to host the 14th annual fundraiser breakfast to benefit the California Agricultural Leadership Foundation. This year’s speaker is Keni Thomas. Sgt. Thomas was deployed to Mogadishu, Somalia, during the summer of 1993 as part of Task Force Ranger, a special operation package to find and capture Mohammad Farrah Aideed, a criminal warlord. His experiences were later retold in the popular book and movie “Blackhawk Down.” Using the motto “Train as you fight. Fight as you train,” Thomas shows how an emphasis on training and continuous improvement plays a vital role in survival and success both in battle and in life. The fundraiser breakfast will take place at the Heritage Complex on Thursday, Feb. 14 during World Ag Expo. Table sponsorships are $500, individual tickets are also available for $50 with proceeds benefitting the California Agricultural Leadership Foundation. Tickets are available by calling April at (559) 735-9700 or by email at april@lagomarsino.com.
  • As a result of the combined vision and partnership between SOYGENETICS and Bayer CropScience, U.S. growers can anticipate planting LibertyLink® soybean varieties in 2009. LibertyLink soybeans also will offer growers the opportunity to use the in-crop, weed-control option available with Liberty herbicide. The Liberty/LibertyLink system will enable growers to enjoy similar benefits of Roundup Ready, such as less tillage, labor, and equipment, as well as the ease, convenience and efficacy of over-the-top, non-selective, weed control.
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