send news release today

Not Your Typical Monday

Chuck Zimmerman

Posting has been a little light here today as we deal with the icy mess that is Missouri. I’ve made sure we got some client sites updated earlier before starting to focus on our own. Actually we’ve been pretty lucky to have continuous power. However, this afternoon our main business line went out and with it our DSL internet connection. So I headed into Jefferson City and Panera Bread but just as I got there the power went out.

So, now I’m at McAlister’s Deli and the internet connection is working fine. Of course now Cindy says we got our internet connection back at the office. I’m loading some new photos to my Missouri Ice Storm photo album. We’re supposed to get a whole new round of ice starting later tonight and lasting through Wed. morning.

So if you don’t see much here tomorrow you’ll know why. I was planning to attend the Gateway NAMA meeting in St. Louis tomorrow but I’ve canceled that idea. However, on Thursday I’ll be speaking at the North Central Weed Science Society annual meeting. I’ll be one of the presenters at a session titled, “Communication Development: Message Delivery to Weed Science Colleagues and Clientele
Symposium.” You can find the program here (pdf).

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