RFA Ethanol Podcast

Growers With Maxx-imum Market Skills

Melissa Sandfort

Penton Media’s Corn & Soybean Digest announced the winners of its 2007 MarketMaxx competition, an online grain-marketing contest designed to help growers sharpen their marketing skills. MarketMaxx is a free, Web-based marketing simulation that allows corn and soybean growers to gain experience using marketing tools in a game environment. The 2007 MarketMaxx contest was sponsored by AGCO Gleaner, AGCO Tractors, Syngenta Crop Protection and Cargill Certified SolutionPro.

chriswaymire_cornwinner07.jpgThis year’s first place winner in the corn division was Chris Waymire (left) of Yellow Springs, Ohio. He will receive one year’s use of a new Gleaner R5 or A5 series combine, a prize valued at $12,000. First place winner ronfalk_soybeanwinner07.jpgin the soybean division was Ron Falk (right) of Monticello, Ill. His winning prize is one year’s use of a new AGCO RT or DT series tractor, also valued at $12,000.

Second place winners were Chip Shriver of Ursa, Ill. (corn division) and Kevin Johnson of Tyler, Minn. (soybean division). Both will receive a new computer system from Syngenta Crop Protection.

MarketMaxx players submitted simulated trades online using cash, futures and options markets. More detailed information and online registration is found here.

Farmers can now register to play MarketMaxx 2008, but actual trades cannot occur until after Jan. 2, 2008. Trades can be made throughout 2008 until Oct. 31, when the 2008 contest ends. The sponsors of MarketMaxx 2008 are AGCO Gleaner, AGCO Tractors, Syngenta Crop Protection and Leica Geosystems.
