RFA Ethanol Podcast

Speaking of Missouri Beef

Chuck Zimmerman

Cindy Speaking of BeefCindy and I had a nice trip to Springfield today to conduct the first training session for the Missouri Beef Industry Council’s new “Speaking of Beef” program. I’ll post more on this tomorrow.

Here you can see Cindy going over the basics when it comes to public speaking. That’s what these cattle producers will be doing over the next year as we help schedule them in to speak to local community groups.

During our session we had each of them give a “practice” speech which we recorded and then played back to critique. It was fun and I promised I wouldn’t put any of them on YouTube (although it’s tempting).

If you’d like to learn more about the program now you can listen to this week’s MBIC Report podcast with MBIC Executive Director John Kleiboeker: mbic-report-12-5-07.mp3

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef