2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Dallas Family Got Milk

Laura McNamara

Think About Your Drink Family ChallengeYou’ve seen the milk commercials imploring “Got Milk?” Well, one Dallas family “got milk,” then got wined and dined. The Bogle Family is one of 25 winners selected in the Think About Your Drink Family Challenge. Officials selected the Dallas family from hundreds of families nationwide.

The Bogle family entered the photo contest by submitting a creative snapshot of their gang choosing nutrient-rich milk. As part of a nationwide education campaign, the nation’s milk processors launched the Think About Your Drink Family Challenge encouraging families around the country to make milk their beverage of choice. The Bogle family will receive the royal treatment with healthy chef-prepared meals, along with a glass of milk, delivered to their house for an entire week!

Over the past decade, milk at dinner has steadily declined and today nearly 60 percent of children’s dinners do not include milk, according to new findings from The NPD Group. Many experts are concerned, especially since the percentage of overweight American children and teens has tripled in the last two decades and a recent report called What America Drinks suggests that beverage choice may impact weight and the overall quality of the diet. Research shows drinking the recommended three servings of lowfat or fat free milk everyday is an important part of a healthy diet for parents and their kids, and may also contribute toward maintaining a healthy weight.

Family Challenge winning photo entries can be viewed on the Think About Your Drink website. Web surfers can also access a free, personalized nutrition analysis of their daily drinks to see how their choices in beverages impact nutrition.

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