If you’d like to make a contribution to the National Association of Farm Broadcasting Foundation fundraising auction time is running out. NAFB is making a last minute pitch for more items.
We realize that many of you have generously donated items in past years for the silent/live auction, and for that we are very appreciative. Your past support has not only helped to make each auction a success, but more importantly it has helped the Foundation in its continuing educational support through internship and scholarship grants; funded research that helps us better understand the changing demographics in rural America; and built a curriculum to assist students, teachers and young media professionals in learning how to utilize the power of Farm Broadcasting in a media marketing plan.
This year the auction is again being conducted during the Thursday night reception on November 15 at the Westin Crown Center Hotel in Kansas City. The event will be “back upstairs” where it had been held for many years. If you have not already, please help us keep the list of auction items growing. Please e-mail Rose Marie at the NAFB office with a description of your contribution by November 1, so we can get it in the NAFB Foundation Auction Booklet which will be distributed prior to and during the auction.