2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Tom Slunecka Goes Cellulosic

Chuck Zimmerman

Tom SluneckaAs you know, the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council is a client of ZimmComm’s and sponsors our coverage of various industry related events throughout the year. At the Cellulosic Ethanol Summit I sat down with Executive Director, Tom Slunecka (pictured second from left with the leadership of KL Process Design Group). I’ve been waiting to do this since he announced that he’s heading on to a new opportunity with KL Process Design Group. Tom will basically be helping KL move into the cellulosic ethanol business. They happen to currently have the only working cellulosic plant in the country!

Tom is the man who has been the voice of EPIC since the beginning a couple of years ago when he, along with founding members, ICM, POET and Fagen had the vision to start a promotional organization to brand their product and educate consumers in a big way. I remember when Tom walked into the media room at the Commodity Classic with some invitations to attend a press conference in Washington, DC with an IRL car on display. I think I was the only one to take him up on that offer at the time and we’ve been working with EPIC ever since.

I’d say we’ll miss Tom (I’m sure his staff will) but I know we’ll still be working with him as he ventures into the cellulosic side of the industry. So I guess you can view this as my exit interview with Tom from EPIC to a new chapter in his career. In my interview with Tom you’ll hear him say that EPIC is on very firm footing from a membership and financial standpoint and that there’s a full staff in place to move it forward aggressively in the coming year. I agree and I’m sure you’ll have plenty of opportunity to keep up with EPIC right here as we continue our support for the organization and the industry. We’re excited to find out who will replace Tom once the board completes their Executive Director search.

You can listen to my interview with Tom here: cellulosic-summit-07-slunecka.mp3

Audio, Ethanol