2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Zimfo Bites

Melissa Sandfort

  • Syngenta has expanded its AgriEdge® Corn Program for 2008 to include applications of Quilt® fungicide and Warrior® Brand insecticide. The 2008 program will also include hybrids stacked with Agrisure® RW and CB/LL corn traits for rootworm and corn borer protection with LIBERTY® herbicide tolerance, plus GT trait for tolerance to glyphosate. The addition of the Quilt and Warrior Brand to the AgriEdge Corn Program gives growers a solution for gray leaf spot and in-season insect control. It also addresses the particular needs of continuous corn, where more residue cover encourages more disease activity. The 2008 program also includes incentives for managing insect resistance. Growers can receive up to $8 per unit of seed for purchasing and using Force® CS or Force 3G insecticide on rootworm refuge acres.
  • A new large capacity, hydraulically-operated wheel rake, designed with a flexible frame for excellent contour hugging capabilities, plus extra wheels on the ground for better handling and reduced scuffing, has just recently been introduced by Vermeer Manufacturing Co., Pella, Iowa. The Vermeer® WRX14 Flex Frame Wheel Rake sweeps up to 28 feet wide; it folds for transport in seconds at just 8′-2″; is constructed with a rugged 6″ x 8″ cross frame and 5″ x 5″ articulated toolbars; is equipped with 14 crop-driven rake wheels; has a rake wheel clearance of 17″ and rear frame transport height is 4′ 2″ and length is 30′-2″.
  • More from Vermeer: A unique “Powered Splitter” option that helps Vermeer TwinRake operators improve forage quality by promoting cleaner pickup, fast uniform dry-down and fluffy windrows is now available on all R2800 and R2300 TwinRakes. The Powered Splitter is particularly helpful in tedded, swathed or windrowed hay that has been rained upon, or in situations where three windrows are being raked together; because it allows the center swath to be lifted, spread and combined with the rest of the crop before it’s ultimately raked into a windrow. For more information, visit the Vermeer Web site.
    Zimfo Bytes