2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Getting Some Ethanol Truth

Chuck Zimmerman

Cellulosic SummitNext week I’ll be in Washington, DC for the Cellulosic Ethanol Summit. Thanks to the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council and the Renewable Fuels Association for sponsoring my coverage which will primarily be on Domestic Fuel. It’s going to be interesting to see how far along we really are towards having the cellulosic process commercially viable. If it is “here and now” then it should take the wind out of the sails of the whackos who still try to foster a food vs. fuel debate.

Kernals of TruthSpeaking of food vs. fuel, the South Dakota Corn Utilization Council has started a program called “Kernals of Truth.” Here’s what it’s all about:

Kernels of Truth: Learn more about the facts behind food, fuel and farming in South Dakota. Prices at the grocery store are higher. But the truth is, corn prices have little effect on the retail price of food. Find out more about the costs associated with food production and why our leadership in ethanol production and dried distillers grains is a major reason why livestock producers across the state have a plentiful and economical source of feed. That helps keep food prices lower, not higher. Really.

The program got the attention of the Associated Press and their story was picked up by Forbes.com. Helping the SDCUC is Paulsen Agribranding. I know that because they wrote about it on their blog.
