RFA Ethanol Podcast

BASF Seed Treatment

Cindy Zimmerman

BASF Andreas LandesOur final stop at the BASF research facility last week was the seed treatment center where we heard from Dr. Andreas Landes who is in charge of the center.

“Our goals here are the development of products which are easy to use,” said Dr. Landes. “Seed treatment is one of the most target oriented crop protection measures you can imagine.”

BASF SeedsLike everything else in BASF product development, quite a bit of work goes into creating treated seeds. “We are involved from the early development stage, from the research phase,” he said.

The result of their efforts is a rainbow of seeds carrying chemicals right on them to make crop protection easier, safer and more effective for farmers.

Listen to my interview with Dr. Landes here:

View the Flickr Photo Album from BASF in Germany and Brussels

BASF, International, Seed