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Clark Brook Farm Blog

Chuck Zimmerman

Clark Brook FarmNot to put any pressure on Mandi or anything but since she brought my attention to her blog then you know I’m going to let people know about it. Her blog is Clark Brook Farm and here’s how she describes what they’re doing.

Sorry to say, but Clark Brook Farm doesn’t exist. Not yet anyway. This blog is about a farm that is still in the making. I am Amanda. My husband Ben and I have three daughters, Bethany age three, Abigail age two, and Kathleen age one. We live on a 100 acres in a mobile home in Maine. We plan to build a cordwood house and start a farm to be self sufficient within the next few years. We don’t expect to make a big profit but we do hope to grow enough food to feed our family.

Sounds like a challenge Mandi but one that can be very rewarding. A lot of people are doing what you’re doing or at least in part.
