Today the committees of the Appaloosa Horse Club are meeting but the show is still going on at the same time. I’m going to try to find out what’s going on in those committees but in the meantime I keep running into some very interesting people like Laura Brest who’s another ApHC Hall of Famer enjoying the show here in Oklahoma City.
I sat down with Laura this morning and learned how she got interested in these horses. As you’ll hear her say in the interview, she was out riding past a neighbor’s home and saw these colored horses and wondered what they were. Well she found out and after getting one from him to show she was hooked on Appaloosas.
Laura says she’s done everything there is to do like breeding, showing, judging and training. It was very easy for me to see why she’s in the Hall of Fame and I learned a lot from her. She’s a great resource for anyone who would like to know more about the breed. She has always been supportive of youth and thinks the breed makes for a great youth horse. She says that if you get them interested when they’re young they’ll like them for life.
You can listen to my interview with Laura here: appaloosa-national-07-brest.mp3
2007 National Appaloosa Horse Show Photo Album