2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Steve Taylor Talks Appaloosa

Chuck Zimmerman

National Appaloosa Horse ShowDo you remember this guy? Steve Taylor, now CEO of the Appaloosa Horse Club. He’s also the guy who got what I think is the first ag group blog going while he was managing the Missouri Beef Industry Council. He’s blogging in Idaho now as the head of this international breed organization and invited me to their National Show.Here he is giving his report at the annual meeting of the organization.

Steve talks about how the show is going here in Oklahoma City. He says that participation is up and everyone is adjusting well to the weather and construction challenges in the facility. He says his number one priority is to become the number one cheerleader for the breed. He thinks that international involvement in the show presents some challenges and opportunities. For one thing the language issue becomes a challenge but he sees ways to overcome that and hopes to create new relationships internationally that will benefit the organization.

Steve also wants to further develop marketing strategies for the ApHC that include better media relations and more web based activity. He says that some of the promotional materials have been translated into different languages and the internet allows for greater outreach on an international level.

You can listen to my interview with Steve here which runs about 12 minutes: appaloosa-national-07-taylor.mp3

2007 National Appaloosa Horse Show Photo Album

Ag Groups, Audio, Horses