2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Pleasure Horse Clinic Video

Chuck Zimmerman

Tim ZuidemaI think I’m learning a whole new language here at the National Appaloosa Horse Show. For example, take pleasure horses. There are actually several different classes here in the show for pleasure horses. At first I thought it might have something to do with horses on which riding is a pleasure but no . . .

It has something to do with the horse being judged as opposed to the rider. In fact, the term goes back a ways and I’m not sure where it comes from. If you know please feel free to comment and fill us in.

Anyway, one of the many things you find here at the National Appaloosa Horse Show is a pleasure horse clinic. You can watch Tim Zuidema conduct his clinic. This little YouTube video is less than 5 minutes.

One thing is for sure. It’s a real pleasure to work out of the announcer’s booth here in the main ring arena in the air conditioning.

2007 National Appaloosa Horse Show Photo Album

Ag Groups, Horses, Video