2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Where You Are Coming From

Chuck Zimmerman

AgWired Visitor Geo OverlayI am constantly asked who visits AgWired and I wish I could provide some sort of answer that includes all your names, addresses, phone numbers, etc. However, that would violate privacy (if I even had it). Besides this website is all about you deciding to visit and not have to register and log in. That’s just so annoying isn’t it? Basically, I give freely and you get something I hope you like and find useful and entertaining.

I’ve pretty much converted my web analysis to Google Analytics and for some sites we’re also using Mint. This picture is from Google Analytics and it’s just one of the many ways they analyze traffic. It’s a snapshot of the first quarter of 2007. It takes the IP address of the computers that are connecting and creates this nice overlay. I just made a picture of the North American area but it shows them on a global map. AgWired has had visitors from 100 countries so far this year. The country with the least number of visits on the list is Zambia. The top five countries include in order, United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany and Poland.
