My Earth Day Post has generated a couple responses. They’re posted below. Additionally, the latest edition of the iTunes New Music Tuesday newsletter links you to a number of “Earth Day Podcasts.” The link will open your iTunes, or ask for it, take you to a search page that lists them for you so that you can easily subscribe to them.
From Fred Stemme at the National Corn Growers Association: “Chuck, here’s a link to an Op-Ed from Rick Tolman, NCGA CEO, that ran in today’s St. Louis Post-Dispatch. We expect other media outlets to pick up as well. Yes indeed, for farmers EVERY day is Earth Day!”
Earth Day Stat from Tolga Sakman with TANDBERG: “If in honor of Earth Day no one boarded a commercial flight on Sunday, the atmosphere would be spared approximately 90 million pounds—or 41,000 metric tons—of carbon dioxide emissions, according to calculations performed by TANDBERG.” He says that you can calculate the environmental impact of business travel here.
From FFA: “FFA chapters around the United States are developing and implementing reforestation and conservation projects in their communities and engaging local volunteers to help. Their projects are part of the National FFA Organization’s first-ever Earth Day Service Challenge in partnership with Timberland PRO.”