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That Man’s Wearing Salmon

Chuck Zimmerman

BASF Man-salmon StatusI don’t know how many NAMA conventions I’ve attended since the early 1980’s and as several of us discussed one night this week, “we really don’t want to know.” One of the things we all agreed on was how important it is to show up and see friends and clients. Like me here with my friends (and client) Pat Morrow, BASF (left) and Dan Muys, Quarry Integrated Communications, (right).

They sponsored my Commodity Classic coverage and sent me a Status (herbicide) logo shirt afterward and suggested I wear it at NAMA. What do you do when a client asks you to do something? I like the shirt and didn’t mind the promotion at all since I did get some comments. For one thing it made my spring break tan look even darker don’t you think?

In case you’re wondering what the exact shade of color the shirt is, it’s “man salmon.” And I’m man enough to wear salmon. Thanks Pat/Dan.

Visit the 2007 NAMA Convention Photo Album.