RFA Ethanol Podcast

New Media Workshops at the Ag Media Summit

Chuck Zimmerman

2007 Ag Media SummitThanks to the Livestock Publications Council’s latest newsletter I’ve got an early peak at the program for this summer’s Agricultural Media Summit. You can find a general program outline on the Ag Media Summit website.

If you want to see the detailed schedule then join LPC or give me a call and I can share it with you. I do want to point out two workshops though. Why? Because I’m the presenter. I conducted my first workshop ever at last year’s Summit and I guess I didn’t alienate anyone. In fact, I had quite a few people ask me to come back and develop the topics from last year’s session. So that’s what I’m doing. Last year I gave a pretty basic overview of blogging and podcasting. This year I think agricultural journalists are much more familiar with how these new media channels work and they want to know more about how to apply it in their businesses.

The two workshops I’ll be giving are:

Publishing: Blogging for Business – Monday, July 30 8:30-10am

Publishing: Podcasting for Publishers – Tuesday, July 31 10:15-11:45am

Registration opens on April 15. I hope to see you there.

Ag Media Summit