What? A post about a comic book show in New York? Why Chuck? I’ll tell you why. Because the show organizers are using new media to not only promote the show but “as a way to build up an online community surrounding the show.” Imagine if we had a Commodity Classic blog and podcast. What kinds of interviews would we have already conducted with people who are featured speakers or with some of the contest and award winners? Do you somehow think that would diminish the event? I don’t.
I highly recommend reading this article on Chief Marketer titled, “Pods and Cons: Podcasting Helps Reed Turn Conventions into Yearlong Events.” You can find the podcast online here. You know the cool thing about this is that we in agriculture have examples in other industries we can follow if we’re not actually leading the way.
Here’s a quote from the article that kind of says it all. “”What’s exciting about podcasts is it creates a way to extend a convention,” he says. “The podcast becomes a way to reach out to not only attendees but the industry who likes to reach those fans with compelling content year round. Think of it as a digital booth or showroom.” I couldn’t have said it better myself.