FarmerFeeds For Farm Podcasts

Chuck Zimmerman

Farmer FeedsMy friend Dwayne Leslie, from north of the border just announced a new website that you should visit. It’s Farmer Feeds. I was one of the people he had look at this when it was in beta and I like what I see here of the finished product.

FarmerFeeds.Com has been launched as the first website designed to help the farm media communicate better with farmers and the agriculture industry. “Farmers spend more time with the radio than they do with any other form of media. ” says creator Dwayne Leslie. ” Listening to audio content on their MP3 player is the natural progression so they can listen to the daily markets and news regardless of what time it is or where they may be. Having the opportunity to listen to specific programming from outside their regular listening area is also a huge benefit.”

With the explosion of personal MP3 players and Ipods, many producers of farm radio programming have adjusted their online offerings to allow others to download their audio files in a standard MP3 format to their computer so that it can be listened to when it is more convenient. This is known as “podcasting”

FarmerFeeds aggregates these podcasts in a central location that is updated every 10 minutes with the most recent content moving to the top. All podcasts are pre-screened, so that only information feeds of a high level of quality are included. Users can click on the file and download it directly to their computer for immediate listening, or use the Podcast link to add it to their podcast aggregator on their computer so that the daily download of that information is automated.

Users can listen to many daily farm news programs from across the country, closing markets and analysis, feature programming, and industry specific programming covering swine, dairy, beef, poultry and many other topics. also has a news section that aggregates current text news and agricultural blogs, as well as an auction calendar and classified listings.

Media, Podcasts