2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Biodiesel Store Online

Chuck Zimmerman

Doug WhiteheadThe National Biodiesel Board has launched a one-stop marketplace for biodiesel interests to do business over the Internet. It’s AllThingsBiodiesel.com, and was introduced at the National Biodiesel Conference.

AllThingsBiodiesel.com takes its place as the world’s largest biodiesel marketplace, focusing on products, services and industry-related companies. A variety of services assembled within it include online ads and classified ads, the biodiesel store and a biodiesel directory, in which companies can be listed for free.

Additional features on AllThingsBiodiesel.com include:

• A biodiesel store with offerings that range from apparel to books and promotional materials.
• A continually-updated biodiesel directory that is searchable various ways, including by name or category. Businesses can sign up now at www.AllThingsBiodiesel.com for a free spot in the directory.
• Services include real estate listings, business services, feedstock purchases and shows and meetings, to name a few.
• Banner ads and other levels of advertising are available. For more information, contact Doug Whitehead, NBB Project Manager (pictured), at dwhitehead@biodiesel.org. Advertising space is limited.

“AllThingsBiodiesel.com is for companies who want to get the word out on their product on a large scale,” said Whitehead, “to companies who need to know where to turn for services and products helping their biodiesel business, to consumers wanting to make biodiesel-related purchases.”

I interviewed Doug while I was in San Antonio yesterday. Download and listen to him explain how it works: Listen To MP3 Doug Whitehead Interview (3 min MP3)

Or listen immediately here: nbc-07-whitehead.mp3

Audio, Biodiesel