The news is out that the agricultural marketing community has a growing new media resource. ZimmComm is joining forces with Truffle Media Networks to offer our combined resources in helping you utilize new channels of communication. We’re maintaining our separate companies and this isn’t a partnership. “Joining forces” is the best way to describe it. I just like to think of us as a force (cool word) and together we can offer more opportunities and draw on more resources to fulfill our client’s needs.
You can learn more about this relationship and what we can offer in this week’s ZimmCast which I’ll be posting next. I’ll be making presentations in Kansas City tomorrow which is why I’m posting this late on Sunday.
(January 29, 2007 – Utilizing the power of social media and new media tools like blogs and podcasts, plus their agricultural marketing expertise, Truffle Media Networks and ZimmComm New Media have joined forces to deliver high-quality, turnkey production and distribution of business-focused new media channels to agricultural companies.
“ZimmComm and Truffle have provided early new media leadership for agriculture and this alliance will facilitate additional innovations. By leveraging the strengths of Truffle and ZimmComm, we now offer agricultural marketers a compelling suite of products and services to help companies engage customers,” says Aaron Gilbertie, Truffle Media Networks.
New media allows companies and customers to regularly and conveniently participate in conversations about industry topics, customer needs and products. ZimmComm and Truffle both have experience in utilizing new media as a communications channel for agriculture., a ZimmComm property, is the leading destination for agricultural marketers to participate in the conversation of new media. And SwineCast, a Truffle property launched in February 2005, is one of the first agricultural podcasts. With these backgrounds, ZimmComm and Truffle are poised to bring to the agricultural community the resources needed to leverage new media and power agricultural business growth.
Full Release