The latest IFAJ E-News is out and it contains a summary of the results of an online member survey that was just conducted. The results are interesting. Here’s a selection of what the survey found:
While we only received a small number of responses, the trends were clear. Getting your stories published, limited career opportunities and low salaries all rated highly, each selected by almost 47% of respondents. Limited training or professional development opportunities were important, but did not rate as high, at 33%. Respondents were less concerned about personal safety (only 7%).
Some comments were published too like these:
- “Readers quite often don’t know the difference between an ad and an article. Some papers are owned by the national farmer’s organisations and the companies that advertise sometimes expect to have news articles written about them, otherwise they won’t continue to advertise.”
- “A decline in advertising revenues continually pressures editors to do more with less. That means fewer staffers and less time to produce the quality stories it takes to compete in today’s competitive ag journalism arena.”
- “Low salaries, especially with entry-level positions, makes it difficult to compete with advertising and public relations agencies that pay more. Hiring qualified employees is just more difficult.”
I’m betting that all journalists feel these same concerns today. This new media world is changing the rules. Add in the consolidation that’s taking place with media companies as well as corporations and things just aren’t going to be the same. I look at these times as ones of opportunity though. I’d rather adapt and grow than sit back, complain and wish for the good old days.