2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Poultry Expo Podcasting

Chuck Zimmerman

Poultry Expo PodcastingI haven’t seen any of the regulars that you normally see at a farm show, especially one of this size. However the new media reporters are on hand. Besides myself there’s Ned Arthur, Truffle Media Networks, who’s here doing work for not only his PoultryCast but other “animal casts” as well.

Ned is set up in the Elanco Animal health booth conducting interviews which will be used in his regular podcast programs. He’s also here recording technical sessions and presentations for online availability after the conference. You see we’re very multi-talented and multi-functional kinds of guys.

Poultry Expo CappucinoTo help promote PoultryCast, Truffle offered producers and attendees free cappucino in the Elanco booth. All you have to do is fill out a card with a little demographic information and you can get your caffeine fix.

The cards were direct mailed prior to the conference to poultry producers. One of the cool things about podcasts like PoultryCast is that they’re only trying to reach the decision making producers. So sponsors like Elanco can very narrowly target their marketing dollars to a very specific audience. New category specific sponsors are being sought for PoultryCast by the way.

Agribusiness, Farm Shows, Podcasts, Poultry